Construction of logistics terminals

Construction of logistics terminals

Nowadays the flow of cargo increases year by year and becomes so powerful that individual warehouses and even warehouse complexes can not cope with storage and movement of such a volume of goods. In order to solve the problems that arise, it is necessary to build logistic terminals. We are talking about objects, each of which includes several warehouses of class "A", constantly associated with road, rail, water or air routes of freight transport. In particular, logistic terminals are especially necessary in cases of transfer of goods from one mode of transport to another.

From this it follows that a number of requirements for the logistic terminal under construction are applicable to any sufficiently modern warehouse of metal structures. Need high, at least 10 meters, ceilings and floors of a durable anti-dust coating, rising 1.2 meters above the ground. It is desirable that a small number of columns interfere with the loading, unloading and movement of goods on the territory of the terminal.

The specificity of the  construction of a logistics terminal  is that it requires paying special attention to the communication routes, since especially large consignments of goods pass through the terminal. And, of course, he needs enhanced security and safety measures because of the large amount of material values ​​concentrated within it, attracting intruders.

As for the infrastructure, it is necessary to take into account the situation when customs institutions are located in order to accelerate transportation within the boundaries of the logistics terminal.

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