Industrial Construction: Basic Concepts

Industrial Construction: Basic Concepts

Industrial construction (construction of industrial enterprises, structures, buildings, objects) is a concept designating construction work directly related to a particular industry, both light and heavy. Often, this term is mistakenly understood as the erection of a shopping center, an office building, etc. In fact, industrial construction can not be called such activities.

Traditional spheres of human activity, where industrial construction  is carried out  - light industry, mining and processing of metals, chemical and petrochemical industries, engineering, construction materials, hydro and thermal power, etc. In recent decades, this list has been enriched by a number of knowledge-intensive industries, including microelectronics, nuclear and alternative energy, and the aerospace industry.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, only those who possess the appropriate permits and licenses can engage in industrial construction. The availability of such documents is a confirmation of high professional level and reliable reputation of the construction organization.

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