Construction of the plant: technical project

Construction of the plant: technical project

The technical design refers to the necessary documentation with finally accepted and properly designed technical solutions. The technical design that makes possible the  construction of the plant includes drawings and an explanatory note containing the necessary calculations, tables, etc. The general explanatory note contains a certain sequence, which is the summary of the project.

In the technical and economic part of the project, the adopted technological decisions, the parameters of the facility and the characteristics of its equipment are justified. A number of basic technical and economic indicators are given (for example, the production capacity of the future plant).

The master plan demonstrates the location of buildings, structures, railways and highways. Technical and economic indicators, total building area, length of communication routes, volumes of necessary works and communication costs are given.

The main part of the technical project is the description of production technology, energy supply and environmental measures. Its important component is information about technical solutions and new technological processes that ensure high levels of labor productivity and environmental safety. Also describes the management system of the object and the organization of labor.

The architectural part of the technical project reflects architectural solutions, the organization of construction and the development of a certain design capacity by a certain date. There is also a need for a consolidated budget and a summary of costs.

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