Construction of commercial real estate: putting the object into operation

Construction of commercial real estate: putting the object into operation

Acceptance of the completed construction site is carried out by a special acceptance commission consisting of representatives of the contracting authority, general contractor and subcontractor, design organization, state supervision institutions, trade unions, etc.

The customer is required to submit a project assignment. The number of documents provided includes a certificate, which provides technical and economic indicators of the constructed facility. In addition, the documentation necessary for the delivery of the object includes the permission of the GASN, land acquisition, information on design surveys and working drawings.

The task of the commission includes a detailed inspection of the facility, an assessment of its compliance with design documents and operational characteristics. The acceptance of the object is approved by an act signed by the head of the local administration.

Objects that have simple technological equipment (for example, small enterprises) are finally put into operation following the results of the acceptance. But, since the  construction of commercial real estate is  not limited to such objects, often the delivery takes place under the adjustment of equipment. This, in the first place, refers to production, where new, low-waste technologies are used. Adjustment work can be performed both by invited specialized organizations and by the enterprise itself together with suppliers. Here everything is decided by the volume and complexity of the work, the duration of which can be several months.

A variety of examinations, often lasting much longer than prescribed by the town-planning code, can significantly delay the commissioning of the facility.

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